Dimensional Australian Sustainability PIE Fund

The Dimensional Australian Sustainability PIE Fund (the Fund) is a PIE-compliant New Zealand-domiciled fund with investments managed by DFA Australia Limited (Dimensional). FundRock NZ Ltd. is the issuer and manager of the Fund. The Fund is registered as an offer within a Managed Investment Scheme under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 and is regulated by the FMA.

The investment objective of the Fund is to provide long-term capital growth by gaining exposure to a diversified portfolio of securities listed in Australia with increased emphasis on higher expected return securities. The Fund also considers non-financial factors to target sustainability goals. The Fund has a Carbon Footprint Reduction Goal and evaluates companies based on specific sustainability criteria.

Please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) for the definition of the Carbon Footprint Reduction Goal, the specific sustainability criteria and more detail about the Fund.

Dimensional is responsible for making recommendations and decisions about what the Funds invest in.

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