Market funds in compliance with local rules

Switzerland presents a compelling environment for capital raising, characterized by substantial assets under management, a diverse range of allocators such as banks, family offices and high-net-worth individuals, with a strong appetite for alternative investments.

As an authorized Swiss representative, we assist foreign fund managers, promoters and general partners to market their funds in compliance with Swiss regulations.

Our Services

Compliance with the Collective Investment Schemes Act (“CISA”)

Fund regulation

CISA requires the appointment of a Swiss representative and paying agent by the fund.

Our service 

  • Swiss representation of alternative investment funds offered in Switzerland.
  • Swiss representation for UCITS funds registered with the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (“FINMA”) and offered to all investors in Switzerland.

Compliance with the Financial Services Act (“FinSA”)

Manager / promoter regulation

In force since January 2022, FinSA requires that fund managers/ promoters marketing a fund to Swiss investors and prospects comply with relevant rules.

Our service 

  • Access to our online proprietary database with over 1000 Swiss investors duly classified.
  • Full assessment of applicable provisions.
  • Organisational rules via gap analysis questionnaire.
  • Conduct rules via an information notice.
  • Ombudsman affiliation and client adviser register appointment with third parties, if relevant.

Fund distribution / third party marketing

Our service 

  • FinSA-compliant distribution services / third party marketing in Switzerland for selected fund managers.

Get in touch with the team 

Arnold Bucheli

Arnold Bucheli

Chief Operating Officer – FundRock Switzerland

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Stephen Allen

Stephen Allen

Head of Business Development

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Elisa Sourmelis

Elisa Sourmelis

Head of Risk & Compliance

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