Schroder Sustainable Global Core PIE Fund (Hedged)

The Schroder Sustainable Global Core PIE Fund is a PIE-compliant New Zealand-domiciled fund with investments managed by Schroder Investment Management Australia Limited (‘Schroders’). FundRock NZ Ltd is the issuer and manager of the Fund. The Fund is registered as an offer within a Managed Investment Scheme under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 and is regulated by the FMA.

The Schroder Sustainable Global Core PIE Fund (Hedged) adopts an actively managed strategy designed to target outperformance relative to the MSCI World ex Tobacco Index (net dividends reinvested) NZD (Hedged) after fees with limited risk relative to the index. This strategy provides the benefits of index-based investing from a risk and cost perspective with the advantage of relative performance upside potential. The Fund also targets a weighted average carbon intensity lower than the benchmark index and is managed with reference to labour standards, and ESG considerations when selecting, retaining and realising the Fund's investments by applying revenue exclusion screens (referred to as Negative Screens) and assessing companies on ESG characteristics. Schroders will then decide whether a company is eligible for inclusion in the Fund, based on this assessment and when determining position sizing within the portfolio. 4 The Fund mitigates currency risk by hedging most major foreign currency exposures to the New Zealand dollar.

Please refer to the product disclosure statement for the specific sustainability criteria, and more information about the Fund. Schroders is responsible for making recommendations and decisions about what the Funds invest in.

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