Russell Investments NZ Fixed Interest Fund

The Russell Investments NZ Fixed Interest Fund (the Fund) is a PIE-compliant New Zealand-domiciled fund with investments managed by Russell Investments. FundRock NZ Ltd is the issuer and manager of the Fund. The Fund is registered as an offer within a Managed Investment Scheme under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 and is regulated by the FMA.

Investment objective of the Fund is to provide a total return, before costs and tax, higher than the Bloomberg NZBond Composite 0+ Yr Index over the long term.

Strategy: The underlying investment exposure is typically comprised of government fixed income securities, bank bills and cash equivalents, and securities issued by local authorities, semi-government organisations, and corporations, as well as to mortgage-backed and asset backed securities. The underlying investment portfolio may from time to time be exposed to low grade or unrated debt securities to a limited extent, and derivatives. The Fund also has the ability to invest in the Australian fixed income market either through Australian dollar denominated debt securities or derivative instruments.

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